

  6月4日,应南京土壤所骆永明研究员邀请,新西兰皇家研究院林业研究所(Scion)薛建明博士、New England大学Grant Northcott 博士、 Cawthron 研究所 Louis Tremblay博士一行3人访问南京土壤研究所,并就未来双边土壤环境科技合作进行了座谈。南京土壤研究所所长沈仁芳研究员、科技处处长滕应研究员、外事办孙瑞娟博士、土壤与环境生物修复研究中心副主任宋昕研究员参加了座谈会,会议由骆永明主持。

  Grant Northcott 博士、Louis Tremblay博士和薛建明博士分别作了题为“Impacts of microplastics on New Zealand’s bioheritage systems, environments and ecoservices: a national research program”、“Characterisation and management of the risks of microcontaminants in New Zealand”、“Beneficial use of biosolids to forestland: What are the environmental and ecological impacts?”的学术报告。与会人员就环境微塑料的来源、分布和风险管控,以及污泥产品的资源化安全利用进行了交流和讨论。


  Dr Grant Northcott is an environmental and analytical chemist. He previously worked for NZ government research institutes before beginning his own research consultancy business in 2012. Grant is an adjunct Senior Lecturer at the School of Environmental & Rural Sciences University of New England, in Armidale, Australia, and an Honorary Research Associate of the New Zealand Institute of Plant and Food Research. Grant is Chairperson of the New Zealand Land Treatment Collective and co-leader of a new national research program assessing the potential risk of microplastics to New Zealand's environment and economy. Grant's research activities assess the fate and effects of complex mixtures of organic anthropogenic contaminants in the environment, particularly mechanisms affecting the persistence, bioavailability, and interaction with biological organisms, and has a strong focus on emerging organic contaminants.

  Dr Louis Tremblay is an environmental toxicologist in the Coastal and Freshwater Group at the Cawthron Institute and a Senior Lecturer at the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Auckland in New Zealand. He is involved in the development of methodologies to characterise the effects of anthropogenic stressors on the receiving environment. His research involves assessment of the toxicity of contaminants and complex mixtures, like sewage effluent. Louis' main area of interest is the characterisation of the mechanisms of toxicity of microcontaminants on key New Zealand species using a range of methodologies like omics.

  Dr Jianming Xue) is a Senior Scientist in Royal New Zealand Institute of Forestry (Scion). The Soil Group leader at the Centre for Integrated Biowaste Research in New Zealand. Ph.D. supervisor of the University of Canterbury , Distinguished Professor of Nanjing Forestry University, Guest Professor of East China Normal University and Huazhong Agricultural University . New Zealand Director for the China-New Zealand Joint Laboratory for Soil Molecular Ecology between Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Scion. His current research has strong focus on biowastes reuse for improving soil quality and forest productivity by developing sustainable land application of biosolids, and the long-term site productivity and sustainability of plantation forests by selecting appropriate genotypes to match site resources and by developing a site-specific fertiliser decision making support system.




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